Each time I read or heard all this anti third term hues and cries about what alledged third term ambition of President Obasanjo will have on the nation, I always pause to ponder if indeed all the hues and cries are for the masses other than the selfish interest of those criers. All the shouts by Abia State Governor attacking the President on his alleged third term ambition, was it because he love the masses that much or because he wanted to contest the presidency? All the recent outburst of Vice President, was it because he wanted to take Nigeria to a higher height or was it because of his selfish interest -i.e to be the president. What about all those supporting the third term, was it because they really wanted Baba to continue his seeming good works or because they stand to retain their position or that of those closed to them?
To me this are the scenarios Naijas should take a look at, when we are arguing about this third term agenda. I said it before, and I stood by it that, those Politicians had nothing to offer us the masses, Nigerians are known to always be on the side of whatever will profit them, either of the two sides have their selfish reasons for supporting either side.
Therefore, the masses should think deeply and assess the whole matter from this point of view. Are the struggle for either side for the sake of masses? NO is the answer. In so far as No, is the answer, let Baba continue until thy Kingdom come. He is there already, and he is seeing doing some things above average, the devil we know is better than the one we dont know.
Pause and ponder, was the Hues and cries of those politicians for us? If it is not, we are not practising the true democracy of the west, then, dont force democracy of the west on us, let us practice our own democracy by amending the constitution to allow Baba to continue until he die for us.