http://www.ronkeapampa.com/photogallery.htm that is where the whole scenarios emanates. Scroll down and you will notice that in the column 13, 14, 15 and 16, there are different pictures in the gallery, the picture on gallery 13 is the bone of contention now. The caption under the gallery was "Agbani and another model on the run way". Then it said "14, 15 and 16 models on the runway". Now this shows that Agbani was the model in black outfit in the gallery picture number 13, as could be shown with this link. http://www.ronkeapampa.com/u5.jpg
I had wondered what happend to this misrepresentations because as far as I am concerned, the model that is topless from the above link and as could be seen below is not and does not represent our own Agbani Darego. The Daily Independent writer that wrote that wicked write-up also claimed he saw the picture not that he was there and witness Agbani at the event. Haba, This is wicked. Nigerians are the worst pretenders I had ever seen, they love nudity, but will be the one to condemned one when they see it. I challenged anyone that is in doubt to check the pictures once again, it wasnt our own Agbani Darego, it was indeed another Model in the same runway with Agbani Darego. Has anyone pause to ponder on those pictures again, look at the alledged picture and Agbani, It wasnt certainly our own Agbani Darego.

The write up of Daily Independent newspaper is done in bad faith and is very wicked about Agbani. As if that was not enough, a lot of readers do not take it upon themselves to cross check the facts and get the true picture of the whole matter before passing judgement. They all jump into conclusion that, it was indeed Agbani that was topless. I said it once again, take a long PAUSE AND PONDER, take a long look at the picture of the real Agbani and the alledged topless picture, certainly, that is not Agbani Darego. I may not possess a recent picture of Agbani Darego, but the topless model wasnt her at all. And this bullshit about make-up on her, is not true, Agbani had always maintain her black beauty. How come none of the people that present at the occasion comfirm that it was indeed Agbani that goes topless. The Daily Independent Newspaper article does not categorically stated there is anyone who confirm she was the one that is topless. See this link http://www.independentngonline.com/?c=72&a=2120
Like Seun, the Administrator of Nairaland said, "If Agbani is guilty of anything, she is guilty of mingling with topless models. Creative critics should consider questioning her sexual orientation if they run out of ideas for criticism." Shame!

When was the last time you saw Darego Agbani?
Linda Ikeji, the highest paid model in Nigeria has confirmed the story that Agbani catwalked with bare boobs at the fashion show in Lagos.
But, let us leave her alone and don't mind all those pretending to be holier than her.
God bless.
We need concrete proof, not mere words of her, it is her words against ours. Was Linda at the occasion? was she also photographed? if so, where is her pics, if not, perhaps she is jealous of Agbani.
...thank you for the links you attached as proofs to your write-ups. It is, however sad that the same links vividly confirmed the fact that the lady is question was Agbani.
I will like you to go back to the link http://www.ronkeapampa.com/photogallery.htm
and and see the second picture on the right with Oluchi, a middle lady and Agbani. Pls also read the wordings. It says "Models Oluchi and ex Miss World Agbani Darego (above right) were among the models who strutted their stuff on the runway for the charity".
Now look at the lady and the eventual bare-chested pix.....COMPARE and CONTRAST...If someone has done something bad, there should be no indulgence cos BAD IS BAD..
Perhaps, Ronke Apampa website was wrong with that caption, because that picture isnt and is no semblance of Agbani.
Please forgive me for crashing your party, but I've just stumbled on this thread and I wish to clear this up once and for all.
My name is Ayo Shonaiya, Producer and Director of the Black Variety Show with Ronke Apampa.
That picture was indeed of Agbani Darego, and she did come out topless at the Catwalk The World Fashion Show in Lagos. I took that picture myself, standing about 5 feet away and the other photos were from our video footage of the event.
I also decided to sample people's opinion about Agbani going topless by putting it on the Ronke Apampa website and we received such an onslaught of diverse comments and opinions (and some threats!).
Personally, I do not have any opinion about Agbani going topless, and I'm sure I speak for the rest of our production team, we just wanted to sample people's opinion and I think we've killed that topic now.
Thanks for your comments and whenever you're in the UK, or now in Nigeria, check out the Black Variety Show on television or keep visiting www.ronkeapampa.com for updates on exciting new projects in the pipeline.
Ayo Shonaiya
R70 World UK
Well, I still have my doubt that those pics are that of Agbani. You said you took the picture personally, where is the large picture of the other lady in the gallery? i need to compare both to know whether she resemble Agbani or not or whether the one people portray to be Agbani was indeed Agbani.
Ayo Shonaiya, the deed is done already, whether the picture is that of Agbani or not, you have given your website the popularity you needed through the publication. Of course you will get some threat because in Lagos where the event took place, I have not seen it in the pages of newspaper with different pictures of Agbani going topless except the one your organisation published in your websites.
Now that your Black Variety Show and your website is well known by riding on the back of erroneous publication of Agbani going topless, shall i say congratulions? or better still let me just put it subtly - Enjoy the fame!
Mr or Mrs Twins Taiye,
The one good and bad thing about the internet is the annonymity element. I don't know where you live or how exposed you are to what's happening in the entertainment industry in Nigeria, but your continous "mi'o ni gba" attitude towards this Agbani thing is embarassing.
It's obvious you really don't know what Agbani looks like, in the flesh, fully clothed or even if she's licking your face! And you seem to be living abroad not to know that that same picture (not mine) was splashed all over magazines in Nigeria the following week after the show.
I've enjoyed this little chat on the net and I think we should leave it there. But as for me riding on the back of the picture for fame, and referring to me as "one Ayo Shonaiya", it shows you don't have a clue who I am or what's happening in the industry, or outside your 4 walls for that matter. I guess your broken link is firmly established by now.
Regards, Ayo Shonaiya
Since I dont have a clue of who you are or what's happening in the industry, or outside my 4 walls for that matter, perhpas Chief, Dr. Alhaji Ayo Shonaiya JP can print more bold picture of Agbani since you claimed you took those pictures yourself, or better still mail me.
the girl did wrong, so what let those who are pure cast the first stone....haters ...nice boobs just dont do it again ...you know your people...
Are you people blind?that pix does not look like Agbani.Agbani has a more sophisticated look.That is definetely not Agbgani.Someone is just trying to be mischievious
That is not Agbani's boobs,believe me.Hers is much firmer and smaller.Check out her outfit when she won Miss World.The pix in question shows a pair of boobs that has nursed a baby.
Are you sure that is really Ayo talking.I feel he should be too busy to be involved in such a trivial issue.If indeed he is is entertainment and he is what he claimed to be worth,models strutting their stuff should not be a big deal to him.And to me he seems not to busy enof to be involved in such frivolities.One thing more,does he have a personal issue to settle with Agbani?Judging from his tone,there is more than meets the eyes.
I just love Agbani,she did not dignify all your unreasonable comments with an answer.
bros, i understand that is not agbani, its your sister abi? please open your eyes, check her out on www.nextmodelusa.com and u will see that its our very own agbani, cant u see, 'HELLO' yes it was her; wadrobe malfunction, the cloth slipped, she was on deola sagoe's show with oluchi, ope and co,call a spade a spade no one is framing her.., darn shame and i heard she has just been placed on some naira stamps
Why the desperation for the pictures? Seems like you came to the wrong place, this is not a porn site, you know?
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So what if the pic is that of Agbani? Playa haters...Nigerians are the worst pretenders I had ever seen...Bad belle people go get a life and stop hating.
I was at the show.It was indeed Agbani.
I was at the event and yes indeed it was Agbani however, she did not catwalk with bare boobs intentionally. Her boobs slipped out cos of the cut of the dress and she was clearly embarrassed and quickly did her bit and walked off...why can't Nigerians be objective for once. We are always so quick to judge people...thats why we are not a progressive society! Eveyone looking for each others downfall....Irks me so much ....... nsshhhhccctttwwww..and that was a hiss!
lonely people, yeah, yeah, yeah.Agbani's breast or not, how does this affect the price of fuel in Nigeria? peeps, you need to get out and have a life.
u people are jobless, Agbni Daerego is now working for ford model and getting paid big time, why will she want to go topless for chicken change in Lagos
Miss Agbani Darego should seek redemption by apologising to Nigerians for her disgraceful act which prompted the article on these links: http://www.nigeriavillagesquare.com/articles/ugochukwu-ejinkeonye/agbani-s-sickening-folly.html ; http://www.elifeonline.net/elife11-March-April/miscellaneous_adeboye-2.htm
Please, let no one tell me the trash about this unbendable runway rule that prescribes that a model must complete the course even if her dress (skirt or blouse) slips and leaves her stark naked before the audience, b/c sometime ago in Australia, a model ran backstage when her cloth slipped. It is all a matter of one's deep concern for decency and, of course, fear of losing money if one attempted saving one's honour. Who is even sure that the the so-called 'wardrobe malfunction' was not intentionally arranged so the designer could feast the voyeuristic taste of her prurient audience? The whole thing stands condemnable no matter what casued it. NO EXCUSE can justify that raw advertisement of her breasts. NONE!! It was such an obscene sight...
Miss Agbani Darego should seek redemption by apologising to Nigerians for her disgraceful act which prompted the well commended article by top Nigerian journalist and influential columnist, Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye (available on these links:
http://www.nigeriavillagesquare.com/articles/ugochukwu-ejinkeonye/agbani-s-sickening-folly.html ;
Please, let no one tell me the trash about this unbendable runway rule that prescribes that a model must complete the course even if her dress (skirt or blouse) slips and leaves her stark naked before the audience, b/c sometime ago in Australia, a model ran backstage when her cloth slipped. It is all a matter of one's deep concern for decency and, of course, fear of losing money if one attempted saving one's honour.
Who is even sure that the the so-called 'wardrobe malfunction' was not intentionally arranged so the designer could feast the voyeuristic taste of her prurient audience? The whole thing stands condemnable no matter what casued it. NO EXCUSE can justify that raw advertisement of her breasts. NONE!! It was such an obscene sight...
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