Monday, March 12, 2007

I hate Mondays

I have read about the above captioned sometimes in the 90's, I cant recalled now who actually was credited with the quotes. "I hate Mondays, the weekend should have continued" Particularly, I remembered that someone put the quote in his office, apparently showing the type of a guy the chap was. He is definitely the guys that love the weekends so much that he would not wish the Monday to come so soon, because it is another day of the week for work.
Come to think of it, have you ponder how Mondays has always been in your own life too. In my school days, I hate mondays, because when you sneak out of the school on weekends, you just have to come back on sundays because of Monday, because on that day, there is assembly where a roll call is carried out to catch those who are absent during the weekend.
In my working years, I hate mondays, especially after working for 5 days in a week, you rest for 2 days, and on monday, it is work again. In my former office, Monday morning is always busy day for me, because of Communication meeting, which is always on mondays. But in my present employment, i dont think I hate mondays as such except for the fact that, the weekend is over, but in the office, I aint on any pressure, because Mondays definitely is not a routine for me for any particular duties.
Having said all this, Mondays sometimes spell what is in stock for some people in that week, for example, some people do not want to start mondays by spending money, because it is an indication that throughout that week, they will be spending money. To me, I think it is only superstition that, whatever you start doing on mondays, weill haunt you for the rest of that week.
As for me, my mood for the week is mostly reflected on mondays, because if there is a particular something that will make me happy that week, I will know. This week in particular, pray for me fellow blogger, I need it, something great is about to happen to my life, it is this week that will make it happened. So this particular, monday, it is with mixed feelings, whether to hate it or like it because of the oncoming events. Please pray hard for me, so that I get it right.

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